Sunday, February 6, 2011

Update on Draft 1.1

I suggested that I would try to provide a weekly post detailing my progress from Draft One to Draft Two. The assiduous Five Drafts reader rightly should now expect the refrain of "little progress," and I would prefer not to disappoint expectations. Since last week, I learned more about the Transform drugs regulatory framework, though I have no written evidence of that. I read a bit more of Fosdick and Scott. I continued to learn more about self-exclusion programs, though only two new posts made it to the Self-Exclusion blog.

I have decided to focus the section two literature review on just four main contributions: (1) Fosdick and Scott; (2) Portugal; (3) California mj; and (4) Transform. (So already a significant part of what little appeared in Draft One is slated for excision.) The idea is to pick up on the three challenges to drug prohibition noted by Levine and Reinarman:
the emergence and development of the harm reduction movement within drug prohibition; the growth of a serious, reputable opposition to criminalized and punitive drug policies; and the inability of drug prohibition to stop the cultivation and use of cannabis throughout the world.

See you in a week, with the blessing.

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