Draft Four has been altered this week with one round of edits, and a second is mapped out. Some helpful comments arrived via e-mail, and much of the upcoming round draws upon those suggestions. I intend to add two new sections to the Introduction, one with background on why drugs should receive special controls, and a second sub-section (using material that is already in Draft Four, for the most part) that introduces exclusion and licensing, tying them into the rationale for control. I also hope to produce a preliminary chart of my proposals for marijuana and heroin regulation, and compare them with those of Transform.
Kleiman, Caulkins, and Hawken talk about (p. 18) a "no coercion" drug policy, and I sort of mention the importance of economizing on coercion in my draft. But I think I want to say more about it. I even envision a sequel of sorts, where I might have a separate paper devoted to expanding on this topic.
There were only two books on my Five Drafts reading list, and I suggested that I wanted to finish one of them, Ian Ayres's Carrots and Sticks, by this update -- and I did, amazingly. It is a quick read, and tells lots of interesting stories concerning commitment possibilities and stickK. The other book, now a venerable part of the Five Drafts project, is Last Call, by Daniel Okrent. The last time I checked in on this one, I still had pages 133 to 310 to read, having already consumed the beginning and the end. There has been very little progress, but now the unread portion is pages 151 to 310. My goal this week is to finish Last Call. I won't add another book into my wish list, in part to ensure that I am not diverted away from the fine Last Call, but also because my non-Five Drafts reading load is heavy right now.
The Draft Five deadline, Friday, August 5, is beginning to cast a shadow. Part of my commitment, incidentally, is to post that version on ssrn. Just typing that makes me nervous!
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